About Us

At Akumen Artificial Intelligence, we build solutions for the Divyangs(Persons With Disabilities) with the use of technologies such as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing etc. 

The vision of the company is to make the assistive devices affordable and at the same time without compromising on the technological advancement.

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As most of the assistive devices in the Indian market are imported, they are very costly and out of the reach of the Divyangs in our country. We will be pricing our devices very affordably so that it can reach to every corner of our country.

In this age of Artificial Intelligence, we feel that the Divyangs should also reap the benefits of the recent advancements in the field of AI, ML, Computer Vision etc. So that there is less Digital Divide between the Divyangs and us, the normal people.

What are we working on?

Akumen AI is currently developing products like mobile apps and wearable assistive devices for the visually impaired people. These solutions will help the visually impaired people by analysing the surroundings and give them feedback in the form of audio or haptics. This device will help the visually impaired to be independent and not depend on others for trivial tasks. To cater to Divyangs from every corner of the country, our solution will have support for local vernacular languages of India.

Moreover this device will act as a substitution device to the costly imported visual assistive devices and align with the National Medical Devices Policy, 2023, passed by the cabinet recently.


Thiyam Akuvan

  • Young Energetic tech enthusiast entrepreneur with excellent leadership skills driving Engineering teams.
  • Former Software Engineer in UTC Aerospace Systems
  • Experience on Projects for customers like Boeing, Airbus, and projects including for Pilots to be used inside the cockpit of Commercial Flights
  • Studied Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from SJCE Mysore.



Supriya Khaidem

B Tech in Computer Science Engineering

Athokpam Yogen

Bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics

Premjit Laishram

B Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering


Dr. Irom Ibomcha

Orthopedic Surgeon Former Professor and HOD, Dept of Orthopedics, JNIMS, Imphal

L. Preetiranjan Roy

MS, Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Arlington

James Sorokhaibam

PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Robotics) IIT Kanpur

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